I would like to share an interesting discovery when I chanced upon this website: http://www.singapore-elections.com/candidates-l2.html (Please see attached image) Sylvia Lim has a label 2011 WP candidate dubbed red appearing beside her 2006 record. Curiously, allpast GE candidates (past and presentincumbents, plus every losing candidates to date) have only their previous candidacy recorded. Why is Sylvia’s 2011 candidacy, which is neither been declared or known, came up in this official website? Note the 2 PAP candidates Lim Swee Say and Lim-Tan Hwee Hua, which I have also included in this image (which came alphabetically after Sylvia Lim), current MPs, have only their past candidacy recorded. Who administrating this website hasthis forecasting ability? Clairvoyance or Kelong?