Lyrics from Evan Emory video include graphic adult content

Below are some of the "lyrics" from the viral video that may send this idiot to prison. I don't know if he needs prison. I do know he needs some help. And we need some protection from this pre-monster. Lyrics from Evan Emory video include graphic adult content “See how long it takes to make your panties mine” (wide shot of the children) “I'll add some foreplay in just to make it fun” (close up of girl laughing) “I want you to suck on my testes until I spurt in your face” (close up of girl covering her mouth) “I'll lick on your chewie” (close up of two girls covering their mouths) “I want to stick my index finger in your anus” (close up of boy making a shocked face) “I'll be the bus riding your ass up and down my town” (close up of boy with grossed-out look on his face) “I'm gonna use my sausage to make fettucine, then for dessert have a Harry Houdini” (close up of girl laughing and rocking)

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