Sony data breach credit card fraud reports emerge

Ars Technica readers blame PlayStation network hack. Following the massive PlayStation network data breach involving the theft of millions of user's personal information, reports have emerged of credit card fraud which the victims blame on the Sony breach. While PC tech site Ars Technica was careful not to state that recent credit card fraud experienced by the site's readers could be confirmed as a result of the Sony breach, a large number of Ars readers reported credit card fraud they believed was related to the Sony data theft. "The number of Ars Technica readers who have had issues with their credit cards in the past few days, and have commented, e-mailed, or Tweeted about the issue, is alarming," wrote Ars Technica's Ben Kuchera. One such reader told the site that their American Express card had been falsely charged over the weekend. "This card sits in a drawer in my house for emergencies, but I did use it once on my PSP for an account," they said. Sony yesterday posted a Q&A update, saying "the entire credit card table was encrypted and we have no evidence that credit card data was taken" but added "we cannot rule out the possibility."

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