Friday. Friday. Got to get down on Friday. Rebecca Black, the teenage singer
whose music video, “Friday,” has become an Internet sensation, appeared on this morning’s
Good Morning America.
ABC’s Andrea Canning initially said she thought the song “was king of
catchy,” but then she proceeded to read the worst of Black’s hate-mail
and give the teen a singing test (At least she got the national
anthem’s words right!).
To her credit,
Black handled the criticism well, saying that “Even a person who
doesn’t like it — it’s going to be stuck in their heads, so that’s the
point of it. It’s a catchy song.” She acknowledged that she wasn’t the
best singer in the world, and then got all cute and girly when she made
a plea to record a duet with Justin Bieber. “Just thinking of it gives
me butterflies,” she said. “That would just make my life.”
But about that song, PopWatchers. Is it really that bad to inspire
such Internet hatred. And can we give the girl some credit for at least
pushing Charlie Sheen slightly into the background?