RYAN Giggs faces jail over the gagging order he got to cover up an affair with glamour girl Imogen Thomas. Ryan Giggs could be prosecuted for perjury if judges think he misled them about his happily-married family man status to obtain his injunction. The crime carries a maximum sentence of seven years in jail. Giggs, 37, gave a sworn statement to the High Court in London declaring why he believed an order should be granted to stop details of the alleged six-month fling being made public. He relied on the fact he was married with two children whose privacy he wished to protect. The order was granted by Mr Justice Eady to stop Giggs or his family being named. But his sister-in-law Natasha, 28, has since claimed she had a secret eight-year affair with him behind the backs of his wife Stacey, 32, and brother Rhodri, 34. A third alleged lover is also understood to be considering telling all. Lawyers say if Giggs is found to have deliberately withheld details of other affairs from the court he is open to prosecution.

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