Mega-Pastor Joel Osteen brings his positive message to San Jose

oel Osteen, pastor of a huge non-denominational mega-church in Texas, will bring his message to San Jose April 15th, Friday at HP Pavilion at 7:30 PM.  Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston Texas can be seen nationwide on television weekly and has an international reach to millions of people. Osteen has been a controversial figure in Christian circles because of his lack of references to God, Christ and sin in general.  He prefers to spend the vast majority of his speaking encouraging, lifting up and giving a more positive spin on every day living. For years biblical critics claim this non-confrontational approach waters down the gospel and its message. Senior Pastor Alan Hyatt of Camden Assembly of God in Campbell articulated some core issues regarding Joel Osteen from the pure Christian doctrine. Pastor Hyatt said, "One of the most troubling things about Joel Osteen was when Larry King of CNN directly asked Osteen 'do you believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to get to heaven?'  Osteen never answered the question. He went on for about ten minutes without answering." "The bible is an absolute," added Pastor Hyatt. "There isonly one way to get to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ". Secular news media hunting for a sensational story will also try and nail Osteen down on the teachings of thebible regarding homosexuality.  Once that is accomplished, they then can accuse Osteen as being “homophobic” or intolerant, laughable accusations since Osteen rarely talks about sin. Homosexuality is not a core preaching subject with the vast majority of churches, which may disappoint gays or liberals that lack the understanding of the main message of Christianity.  There’s a ton more heterosexual sins to be concerned about in the modern day church and society without targeting gays; doing so would be hypocrisy.  As Jesus pointed out already, “let that person among you that is without sin cast the first stone.” via

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